chapter nine

This chapter is the conceptual view of e-commerce in which we have sectioned up different paramount sectors, revenue models and payment modes. E-commerce (in the sense of selling and buying goods and services through the use of the Internet) varies a lot in how it involves the business, the consumer, and even the government. E-commerce is usually B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumers and C2C (Consumer to Consumer) transactions, every one of which acts in its own right in an electronic marketplace. Different revenue models are sold presently or have been subscripted, and they are based on fees that drive the profitability of the e-commerce business. If sustainability is to be achieved, then this is the go-to model.

Internet retail, a dominant form of e-commerce, gives access to almost all customers, not only those who visit shops, manufacturers, and service providers directly in brick-and-mortar stores but also to competing giants like Amazon. Moreover, the redistribution of e-commerce business activities such as subscriptions, service-oriented e-commerce services, and consumer heterogeneity is addressed through entertainment and professional services.

Electronic commerce is characterized by the availability of different electronic means, enabling customers to use electronic wallets and online payment gateways such as PayPal for secure and convenient transactions. Nevertheless, vulnerability to fraud and privacy concerns remain top priorities for regulators and policymakers, implying the fundamentality of cybersecurity by all stakeholders. To begin with, e-commerce's global landscape is its most distinct characteristic, but international legal and regulatory problems also accompany it. The chapter emphasizes that companies are able to reach global trade channels and international customers over the Internet amidst their developing diverse legal frameworks.

On the other hand, the impact on governing authorities by e-commerce highlights the increasing need for digital governance and policy frameworks which ensure proper regulation of online transactions and consumer protection. In sum, e-commerce has redefined the essence of present-day commerce in our era, offering immense chances for businesses to propel globalization and consumers to reap the benefits of being able to shop virtually for a limitless number of goods and services. Nevertheless, this point is to bring out the fact that the presence of strong security, effective governance, and a legal framework tailored for every participant in the digital market is tremendously necessary to safeguard their interests against wrongdoings.