
This serves as a comprehensive explanation of the complex computer networking, IP addressing, DNS, and the Internet at its inception. It starts with a presentation of the basic workings of networks, including an explanation of the network interface cards (NICs) and servers, which make communication and resource sharing among interconnected devices possible. In the appendix, it explains the development of networking technologies, including various types of cables used in computer networks, such as twisted pair, coaxial, and fiber-optic cables. It explains how improving cable technology allowed faster data transmission speeds and higher reliability, with a great example that is going from Cat 5 to Cat 7 twisted pair cables and the advantages of fiber optical cables.

This part of the article tackles IP addressing with an examination of the structure and functionality of IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6), as well as the limitations of IPv4 and the vastness of IPv6. It explains the importance of IP addresses for locating devices on the Internet and the role of DNS software (domain name system) in translating names to IP addresses. More importantly, this appendix focuses on the hierarchical construction of domain names, explaining the TLDs, gTLDs, and sTLD roles in internet addresses. It introduces the management of domain names by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and the extension of domain name options.

Additionally, the appendix outlines the genesis of the Internet, including the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which served as a vanguard for early networking exploration. The chapter explains the process of moving from circuit switching to packet switching, which is more reliable regarding data transmission. The other topic in the chapter discusses the establishment of the ARPANET as the forerunner for today's Internet.

In conclusion, the appendix provides the reader with a comprehensive review of the essential networking topics and examines both the historical evolution and the latest technologies. It provides in-depth insight into the fundamental concepts of today's computer networks and the Internet infrastructure..